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so sleep together tonight
Hello there, a lover of purple,music, dance and taiwanese, korean drama love shows plus jap anime a dramatic person who always dream too much about fantasy and have a wide imagination on alot of things, both good and bad!! a hyperactive person who likes to jump about and cannot stay in a place for long oh boy, i love you :D 私はいつも、ねえ明興があなたを愛し together from 17th june 2008, on a tuesday morning |
Best Of Best Friends^^
Agnes<333 Xin Xin<333 Manddyy<333 Manddyy<333's tumblr Gwendolyn<333 Cassandra<333 LiLiang<333 Joanne<333 Nicole<333 Sarah aka salsa<333 Best Friends ^^ Boon Teck Dinika MangTeng Yue Qin School Friends =) Eugenia Huai Ao Joash Nigel QiaoTing Regina Vanessa YiWei Juniors =) Heather Li Joo Mei Qin Nataling Ruiyi TanLing Tricia XueTing Yu Xian Seniors =) Cherie aka childish gal Gerald Primary School Friends =) Alan KaiYan Yu Ting YueYing friend friend friend friend archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
2dae i cried
2dae again i cried!i dont understand y every sat i also cry one! cuz my bro lah! always dun let me use com one unfair lor ok enough of this crying! lets sae something esle! i sang very loud at home todae! haha! scolded by my family so wad! i still continue! just went to see his friendster account inside gt his photo lor! so cuteeee.....! thanx so much manddyy for telling me about it! own u one forever!!!! im so grabbing the photo!!! hope he does not noe!!! did nth much todae! just cry, sing, watch vcd and use com so todae not tat exciting! sry! well signing for now!! bb...!love ya!!! you are the one and only one in my head now!! r u happy? oh yea! he does not even noe...!
hi guys! 2dae i post early:P ok sort of.. 2dae exam strt liao 2dae one is english then mon is chinese(sian lor) must stay back until 12 plus leh early morning went back to klass tok to Manddyy about her stuff n mine then she told me tat she got his email liao alr lor! i so damn happy leh! waited like so long just for his email! (u noe who rite) then we go to canteen cuz she wan to buy food ok maybe we shouldn't have go! cuz she saw someone she dun want to see lor! mr xxxx poor thing! dun think too much hor! then went back to klass and strt the test.. hard lor and i was so sleepy someone help me! i cant stay awake after finish section 1 and 2 i slept and Mdm Choo was like behind me onli lor! but was too tired lor until mdm choo came to check our papers.. was scared by her lor then nv sleep liao! dun dare le was like so long before finally over lor thinking of going back quick so i can add him! manddyy and gwen came to my house to study ( but we end up using com and toking about stuffs) we came up with a great plan to help us for our exam:P nice plan guys! remember to do hor! then actually mun mun surpose to come one lor then end up ps us!! mun mun so bad! added him liao but he was not online yet! i was so scared tat he dun noe who i am cuz we seldom and hardly tok! and my msn very funny! so was his! haha! u noe wad i mean rite, manddyy and gwen! then my bro went to use the com (snatch from me lor) so i end up sleeping on the couch! so nice lor! woke up around 5pm... then my bro still havent use finish com lor i want to use one lor so i immediately call him to off then waited until 6.30 plus then use lor (was watching t.v shows while waiting) use not more than 30mins hor must go liao!(fetch my mom and eat dinner) went to use com immediately when came home then when i was doing smth for my mp3 rite i saw him online lor! i jump with joy lor but manddyy was not cuz of some problem! cheer up manddyy! i will help u no matter wad k! then he instant message me sia! so sweet! haha! chat until my bro suddenly wake up and took over... sad lor must stop liao then dun noe until when then can chat! then chat with manddy on the phone lor! then find out she really got add him also lor but she sae she wont like him one lah okok i believe u! like i wont like tat u my friend lor! want to chat so much with anyone also can!!!! should be thinking of exam now lor but cant stop thinking of him lor Manddyy stay happy k! dun cry there will be a way!^^
i have something to sae before writing the blog i broke up with my stead alr so now he is my kor so dun mistaken hor! todae morning ok lah no gd or bad first period was D&T so fun lor! haha! then Mr Toh told us tat there was going to be a fire drill tot he was joking sia! then he sae about 9.30 then when just walk out of the D&T block onli hor the fire drill thing rang lor so was true! YAY!!! skip maths! but then must carry bag to recess lor ok i decided not to forget him liao cant stand not thinking of him after tat was geo did a little map work then was english man got hw lor then was maths! so confusing lor! cant concentrate lah! gt hw again! then last period was chinese man! he lao shi very fan lor come and walk here, walk there sae wat i copy and so on WTH lor! man hate him lah! gt two more hw! wao! so many! die liao lor! gt a feeling tat he like me lor cuz when he want to go to the bookshop he cover his face and ran past me maybe not cuz he doesnt seem interested in meT.T
2dae so zzzz....
morning so tiring as usual (monday blues lah!) feel like lying on my comfortable bed and sleep forever!( ok lah! maybe not forever) Aiya! forget to do reflection & informal letter! like i kare:P today morning suddenly rain so go back to klass! hurray! first period: english ok lah! not tat bad expect tat we need to do tat composition thing boring sia!!! after tat was sci! Miss Chin like very angry 2dae she suddenly scold some people in sci klass! SCARY!! but was fun also lah we play hangman but related to science haha! damn funny lor after tat was recess ok! now is offically! i dont have much friends at sch T.T even Manddyy and Gwen ps me 2dae lor dont tok to me one T.T u noe i very sad anot! then onli after almost end of recess than tok to me! Unfair lor! after tat was geo geo was good 2dae we 2dae watch d video so it is much better than other klasses and i tok d chance to copy notes! haha! no choice! exam coming! think Manddyy slept haha! after was P.E no more swimming liao! T.T miss it lor! playing in the water then mr kek sae about the P.E test thing! boring! want to sleep! but eugenia dun let me lor! things get worse! Mr Kek show us a video on the history of singapore! and got three piece somemore i want to SLEEP!!! let me sleep! then i really got sleep lor! then about half way through the klass! eugenia hit the table lor wao! i gt scared sia! but ltr 1.30-1.35pm teacher release us liao! Yay! then accompany manddyy with gwen to wait for her new kor! quite shuai leh! but dont worry hor! i wont like ur kor one de lah! he is not my type! well tats all! EnD oF StOrY! Adios I think u guys ahould realize tat i have not been toking about him liao! ta means i'm forgetting him! pls stop reminding me of him! thank you! oh yea about last blog! maybe i was a little bit over exgerratting (dun noe how to spell) sorry! oh yea! wish u well for ur studies! and Manddyy for both! u should noe wat i mean! T.T
2day was so damn unfair lormy parents always scold me when i use the phone to call me friends those who i got call or u call me should know my father will be scolding me when i talk to u guys say y talk so long! so unfair lor then of course i use my hp to call u guys! now they want me to play half of my phone bill! wao kao lor! i use home one also cannot! hp also cannot then no need to call alr lor! sms also cannot! say wat do business! also on hp at home then over 360 sms also call me to pay! wao! not fair lor! no need to contact u guys alr lah i rather die than live like this! then they got say y dont use the internet to chat! yea as if i can! they always take the time away from me lor! or either they use when it is my turn! SO SO UNFAIR!!!!! MEI TIAN LI!!!! my bro also got talk very long but they also nv scold say if wat he like tat then tell them! as if they would scold him like tat! his friends call just to talk about the games in gameboy lor can tok more than a hour lor i tok onli 10mins they scold alr *crying now!* they like my bro more than like me lor always ask me to do things for him like buy lunch or so on he is the elder one leh! he should buy for me lor! sec3 alr leh! he say he too lazy to do so! then almost every year during his birthday rite mny parents always buy him Xbox game cuz he wants and cuz it is his birthday so no choice..... always alot of money lor the Xbox i share half the money and when my friends come and want to use they say must ask my bro permission! wth lor! it belongs to me also lor! wat i invisible ar! when i tell my mom about this she say got meh! freck sia! all the gd things in his room lor! Xbox, ps1... he still got two gameboy lor and so many cartiage and games! i even have to play for his games lor! and i dont even play one or either i seldom play! waste my money sia! I am a girl lor! GIRLS ALWAYS TOK VERY LONG ONE!!!!!!! they ask cannot tok at sch meh! we study their lor the onli time we can tok is at recess n after sch! n after sch we go back to OUR OWN HOME! i dont like playing rough games and want to use money FOR MYSELF!!!! get the message anot! My bro always sae i gt the best things! he also lor! he sae wat my birthday got go overseas! but they places we go r where my parents want to go de lor! i can nv choose one de! and wad go pasir ris to stay at downtown east! is he dont want to go there to celebrate de lor! still blame me! he also dont want to go overseas! wth! always blame me one! take away the computer time, can onli use after he use or when he not at home, waste money for his things, everything gd in his room,scold me for toking so much and nv scold him!!!!! FRECK LOR!!!!! HATE THEM!!!! i rather die than staying in this kind of family! someone save me! todae
2dae went back to klass was alone in klass as usual aiya! wanted to dance in front of the klass hor then suddenly Felicia come in! spoil the fun siaT.T then finally Manddyy came asked her wat she was going to do about zzzz(ok new guy i nv mention before) and about mr xxx... she sae she dont noe lor very confusing for her lor! feel sad for herT.T but i'm in the same positon as her lor... dont noe wat to do... went walking around the school to talk about and to see him as well.. went back to klass after tat then during reading period i decide to forget about him and concentrate on my studies just like wat i am surpose to do but i noe tat it will be very hard to forget when i can almost see him everyday at the canteen... in the foyer during recess everything might just sunddenly pop out! but i must concentrate on my studies... if he would noe tat i like him, he would want to sae tat to me too... to study hard is my first thing to do... Manddyy also agree to me and also want 2 forget abt mr xxx and zzz but we both noe tat it might be impossible but we want to try... for our own seek after tat was english damn long lor... 4 period sia can sleep leh do the sample letter thingy then still got reflection must write lor!! damn!!!! after tat was recess trying hard to avoid him manage to avoid him thanx to Manddyy! love ya! for once you help me:P Gwen also! thanx both of u! but i wont sae tat to qi qi and mun mun lor keep saeing his name when i want to forget him especially qi qi! frustrating sia! then accidently saw him sia lucky manddyy and gwen distrack(dont oe how to spell) me lor! thanx god! i even try to avoid walking the way tat he was in lor after tat was history so then funny lor the jasmine group one act until very funny!!!! ben was GUN and Dhurkesh was DU then they both together sae " and together we are GUNDU!!" haha!!! damn funny lor wao our group almost need to present lor.. lucky teacher nv save for us.... then was maths .. boring sia after tat was LK mdm choo tok to us about no speaking vulgarities in klass the culpit was the the three boys joash keith and kelvin... wao! joash turn pai kia liao lor then the klass sang birthday song to the sep babys wao kao! i was one of them lor Manddyy so bad sae "wish u pass ur sa2 with flying colours and dun think too much" wao! MANDDYY! at least she is ok lor but qi qi over the limit lor after sch, Gwen, Manddyy and me went to find cca teachers to ask about the cca slip we go put our bags first lah wao! in front of the table we are siting was him lor! but nvm lah i noe Manddy not do it on purpose one went home after finding teacher maybe forgetting him is a bad idea best friends are Manddyy, Gwen, munmun and Mang Teng BEST BEST BEST OF FRIENDS: XIN XIN & AGNES 4EVER!!! LOVE YA! Manddyy, i understand lah i will try not to think so much k u also.. we must concentrate on our studies first thanx for ur help! Gwen and mun mun too^^ promise not to sae die or cry anymore just arrived home
2dae early mornin' my hair very naughty lor not in the way i want them to be lor went to sch as usual (early lah) waited for mun mun to come cuz i wanted to sit at the back with her(cuz ltr if he come to sch rite i can see him so clearly) :P keeping thinking of him sia he so dreamy... i so like to tease Manddyy sia! so fun! also gt new target to bully her one ^^ but of course lah Manddyy, Gwen, mun mun and qi qi(as known as Shi Qi) also bully meT.T first period was english hahaXD so funny sia! Mdm Choo she told the klass tat the sample dont copy then when finish liao then she sae ok copy down! the whole klass got cheated by her (ok, not the whole klass, some nv like me, fiona and Gwen) after tat was CL do chinese exams compo nth much happen than was recess... i find so hard to find him 2dae lor i onli see him at the canteen the most i tot he now taking kare of 1e3 hor i so happy like siao even go there early just to see him but to much disappointment, he went back to take kare of the 1ts so sad lor T.T T.T T.T was in no mood to laugh or tok at all..... after tat was sci i was so not happy lor my face was like so black jiawen tried to cheer me up but no use.. then she promise to help me get his email and number for me i was so damn happy lor.. ^^ she sae needed 2 days thanx alot jiawen!!!! i forgot to ask miss chin abt the cca slip thing.. so forgetful lor..! tmr must ask alr then in sci klass i also almost cried lor.. jiawen suddenly sang a song my ex give me one so i cried a little (and she tot was cuz i keep thinking about him too much) after tat was maths! boring sia always do wrksheet after tat was history last period so fierce lor miss ng 2dae then i found out smth b'cuz of wad Fiona and Gwen told me they said tat miss ng will always blink her eyes alot when she scolding someone one!! it was true lor!!! hahaaaXD so damn funny! after met my bro at the bustop and we went home together(first time sia^^) he lose in scissors, paper, stone so he went to buy lunch for both of us(yay!! haha! victory) well tats all for todae Adios! forgetting someone might not be as easy as u think u should noe tat, Manddyy i will try my best to concentrate on my studies but i wont not bet tat i can concentrate fully with him all in my head sry guys!
sry guys! I nv post my blog for so long! was not in the mood:P sry! But i cant write about Mon and Tues one cuz i most probably forget liao!:P so today went to sch i was surprise to see tat heimun (a.k.a mun mun) was there earlier than me... then i scared the guts out of her! so funny! since she was at the back so i sit with her lor! n there was a great view of seeing HIM coming to sch! :P *(just cant stop thinking of him) Manddyy came very early! surprisingly! haha! when she came rite i immediately tease her! so fun! but most of the time i was seeing if HE is here already or not then i finally saw HIM lor!!! so gd!!!! just cant take my eyes off him! i also think of him even during sleeping! then of course, Manddyy strted teasing me! lmao!(hehe! learn from Manddyy:P) then i turn to look at mr xxx the klass to see if he was there("btw Manddyy one hor) then didnt saw him lor of course Manddyy happy lah first bell rang so go back to place liao! but still sms Manddyy to tease her! first period was D&T was very fun but i keep doing wrong thing one*cry* then after tat rite i try to walk past the guy(my crush) class room lor they all so guai! but i didnt look in lah! then was maths! ok lah! nth much happen.... finally! recess! wao! manddyy's face very black leh cuz hor tat mr xxxx really nv come so she very sad lor got sa qi around her lor! hahaha! after a while finally saw him! waited for him for so long *sigh* so dreamy after the recess bell rang of course i try to walk by the klass he take care of then i saw him from a far but Mandyy and Gwen didnt lucky lucky but sooner ltr, they realise lah they try to push me to him HE GOY SAW LOR!!! MANDDYY WAS PULLING MY SHIRT LOR!!!! MANDDYY!!!!!! now i dont noe wat he think of me alr T.T Then the strange thing is tat he was was always standing near 1e3... tat was strange cuz he was not surpose to take kare of 1e3 but before i could noe y, our klass go back to klassroom liao after tat was geo.. as usual i take out my specs to see if i can spot him upstairs with his klass watch for very long still no sign of him...*cry* then OMG HE WAS JUST OUTSIDE MY KLASS!!! HE WAS TAKING KARE OF 1E3 NOW!!!! OMG!!!!(FACE GOING SUPER RED) i SO HAPPY!!! now he so klose to me! i'm in heaven!! now i cant wait for Tues and Fri!! geo was zzzzz... lor than was maths even worse zzzz... feel like sleeping keep thinking of him! went over to Manddyy and jasmine(a.k.a qiao piku) (haha jk jk.. dont be angry hor) to do maths wrksheet then after tat manddyy and me went to second floor to refill water for klassmates...( so many....) *(thinking this could be the time i could see him) WAO! not tat lor! kns! thinking of him so much yet the klass not there..... then was mother tongue ok lah nth much happen finally go back home liao still have no sign of him... then suddenly when waking out of the klass to the foyer rite.. manddyy strted sae "oooooo.... yuanyi..." of course when she said tat means tat he was around but since i wasnt wearing specs, i didnt notice.he was really there at tat garden dont ne doning wat.. *( i want to be with him *cry*) then manddyy said something like lets go to the garden ok as if!!! i would do tat went to tiong after tat i wanted to wait for him to see if he gt go there after tat thing... (FYI, first time i meet him ourside of sch was at tiong*grin* not purposely one hor) it was the first time i ate sushi too.. quite nice want to try again!! well... adios for now... will write more next time (and more infor on him next time*grin*) Manddyy i use the same advice back to u.. dun be sad over love hor.. i noe tat it does not mean tat if i like someone must be with him but i just cant control it u should understand rite i will try to forget him asap ....*lookdown**sneef*
my fantasy!
I think about this fantasy when i was in class daydreaming * When I was walking, I was too clumsy and trip, I fell down and landed on him! Of course I go red and said " I'm so sorry!", he then ask "are you OK?(looking worried) I replied "I'm fine, thanx", while trying to stand . Then I felt a sharp pain on my ankle, "Ouch....!" So I had hurt my ankle, seems like he had realise tat too...! He carefully stand up while carrying me in his hand, he bought me to the nurse bay where i get attended to. ~ He accompany through the whole thing and even and help me walk back to GB room and also tell the teachers what happened. Through out the whole time I was injured, he has been there for me. We get to know each other more better. Not long later, we got together and was happy since then..... then one more fantasy tat i tot when i was at home.... *I had a high fever, cough and cold but I still went to school as GB had something to say and everyone need to be present. My friends all know I was sick with just one look at my face. No matter how much i act like i was not sick, everyone knows. My friends were all telling me tat i must go home or i might be more ill and worse i said i will be fine so ask them not to worry... (be of course i was not) ~Finally, GB strts... We did a few drilling before teacher wanted to talk to us..(my vision was already strting to get blur) when i was walking back to our GB klass.. I met up with him... "Hi....! (trying to act like i normally do)" i said. His face immediately to a worried face... He immediately ask "OMG!!!Wats wrong with you?! You look like a ghost!" Of course again i said " I'm fine! dont worry!" well he still look very worried! b'cuz he still got cca like me so we went our separate ways but before i could walk for long, my vision went blur and all i could see was the ceiling of the hallway.... I was not sure wat happened next but i remember seeing a blur vision of him staring down on me, looking very worried and I also heard a very soft voice saying " Yuan Yi!! R u ok?! Oi!Yuan Yi! dont scare me!! Wake up! YUAN YI!!!!" when i was awake, i was in the nurse room alr! I saw him by the side.. I slowly try to sit up, he wrap his hand around me slowly support me up.. he ask " U ok now? Just now you suddenly faint!! u noe it scared the hell out of me!" I was shocked! So wat I saw was corrected! it was him! I reply " I'm so sorry! but y u care so much abt me?" He strted blushing and said "well.... hmph.... cuz.. cuz..." then said slowly " cuz i like u!" I was very very happy to hear tat!! " i like u too!" i said!^^ We smiled at each other! then out of the suddenly he said " dont u dare fall ill and come to school again u hear me!!!" " ok ok i get it! Yes sir! as u command!" i replied! we both laughed! he asked if we sould stead and of course i said YES!! and hug him!! well u should noe wat happened next! we both stead and was happy then this is all i can think of! if i think of any i would defintely tell u guys k! bye for now!! Adios!!
continue for yesterday blog!
hey I'm back again well.... where did i stop yesterday? oh yea at the canteen during recess... Mean hor they all! trick me like tat! woah! we almost late for klass cuz second bell rang and we will still in the toliet! ohhh... lucky! klass havent go yet but dont noe y i nv see him again lor he should be at tat klass wat! the whole klass like disappeared lor! dont noe wad happenT.T after tat was history test some more lor! dont feel like doing lor hope i can pass and can beat Mang Teng! :P *(yea as if can like tat! impossible i tell you) after tat was maths nth really happen.. just plain old doing exercise thing after tat was LK OMG was damn funny lor!!! CAN LAUGH TILL U DIE ONE! HAHAHA! Mdm Choo was reading out our wishes for fwenz for their sa2 thing. Hahaha! my one very funny well not for Manddyy cuz i wrote for everyone at the top then and the bottom i wrote"specially for Manddyy" haha! serve her rite! she also write my name in her one also then when Mdm Choo reading John one hor everyone in klass laugh like hell tell u wad he wrote" to all the boys in 1e2, hey guys u r the best buds ........bla bla bla" HAHAHA!!!!! since the klass cant see wat he wrote so we all tot was "BUTTS!!!" hahahaha! Mdm Choo even wrote on the board lor!!! then ltr after we release hor! He even qiao his butt at Benyamin and say kiss my ass while hitting his butt lor!!!! MAN!!! TAT IS SO SO FUNNY LOR!! then when he was doing it rite, Mdm Choo SAW IT!!! HAHAHAHHA! CAN U BELIEVE IT!! Mdm Choo was like "Eek" *LAUGHING* SOMEONE SAVE ME!! HAVE STOMACH CRAMP HAHAHAH!!! after tat i go 2e2 and put down my bag (oh yea it was my GB's room) OMG i see him lor AGAIN!! it was like i so lucky like tat! i think he saw me! then me and Nicole go change into our GB clothes, then i went pass him lor u noe wad he said, he said"eeee" i dont none whether to be happy he tok to me and notice me or should i be angry since he said tat... well i just ran for my life..:P i think i said something like (something you say when u like not happy like tat) mabe if u noe me u ask me in person lor after when i come out still see him he was outside my GB klass waiting for his fwen. for one min, i tot he was looking at me:P wao d teacher tok so long to release us. by then he alr gone lor. once i can go i immdeiately call Manddyy i also run lor then when i so down hor i saw him AGAIN!! this time i sort say "hi" but i cant see wat he said or doT.T after he disappeared i found Manddyy then she told me wat happened to to her when i was not around want to noe go manddyy's blog after a while he reappear man this time Manddyy and Gwen saw lor. u guess it they strted teasing again tis time they even pushed me to him!!!! WAO! a little more closer he might see me lucky i break free before tat! MANDDYY AND GWEN u guys r so going to get it from me ok so after tat we left we go to the dance studio and i left to go back to GB room ok i dont want to tell u the whole details but here is the shorten version of it my bro's fwenz made me angry so of course i went to chase them of course when chasing one of them he used water as a defence he actually split the water out of his mouth and into my face gross rite... of course i went anfry and chase him out in d rain stepped in the pudder of water and my skirt gone wet plus i gt water on my face and hair somehow i was not mad strange.. very strange then my cca strts and i didnt manage to see him again but i think i heard his voice when we were about to release not sure... feel like forgetting him but i cant there is this feeling in my heart tat says no wat am i going to do....
Man, 2dae was so tired! in the morning i sleep in the car lor but somehow when i go back to klass, i go hyper again! mabe cuz of my mp3 inside the song! hehe! I dance in front of d klass lor when i listen to d song! lucky no one walk past when i doing tat!XD at reading period was ok lah then english. zzzz lor! finally recess! OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT!!! IT IS HIM!! We were outside the klass room lining up in twos when he suddenly walk pass to go back to his klass! OMG! I WAS SO SHOCKED! lucky nv see me! but Manddyy did lor! AGAIN! so same old thing she tease me again! then ltr Gwen, heimun(a.k.a mun mun),Manddyy and me went up to the home ec. room to put down the projects so i also take a slight peek at him! but, T.T , i cant see his face cuz i cant see without my specs! DAMN!!!!! then Badi come over to ask if i think called Mrs Chua , Gwen they all the home ec. teacher i dont noe her so i did not answer him lor. then suddenly, HE STRT TO WALK THE WAY IM IN!! OMG!!!!! HELP!!! SOMEONE!!! before i can answer Badi, i quickly ran for my life as if my life depend on it! THEN hor, Manddyy and Gwen go and grab my hands real tight lor then Heimun go and push me to go to him lor!! SO MEEAAANNNNNN!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!! i quickly break free myself and run run i tell u!!!! I hope he didnt see! if really got hor! Manddyy, Gwen and Heimun u r so so dead!! after a few minutes, they catch up to me lucky, he didnt! then they stop teasing me lor! at canteen rite, when me and Heimun bought our things to eat and drink alr hor and went back to our seat we saw Manddyy face black black one so scary!!! like a angel turning to devil! scary! then i noe tat the aunty at the store give her something she dont want so she black face lor then after when HE appear again hor, she and Gwen strted teasing me again lor even try to trick me to go there lor! Omg my show is strting! gtg continue tmr k! Adios! love yuanYI
first time blog sia!
hmmm..... first time writing this blog dont noe wat to sae leh! should i sae my feelings or my day??? aiya so hard to think! ok lah i follow my friend, Manddyy lah i write my day lor Ooo wait wait! i think i can write both lor if i got feelings on tat day! todae morning so damn tired lor! i so late then sleep last nite:P morning i always dont want to tok one! come to sch quite early so i waited for hei mun and so on to come lor! when they come we started to do hw. zzzz sia! so much to do and so little time! then mrs yeo tok alot of things tat i think i can sleep immediately then finally go back to klass! first period was eng it was ok lah nth much to sae about it anyway then it was chinese to think tat now mdm liu is back, her klass might be more interesting than he lao shi klass but they were the same so zzz... it seem like forever since the bell finally rang! it was finally recess the time i like d most!!! who doesnt?! tell u smth! too bad 2dae gwen absent T.T when we were outside the klassroom guess who me and Manddyy saw! haha! it was xxxx sry i cant sae! it was Manddyy one hor not mine!! he was at the second floor lor! this is my chance!! i can finally tease Manddyy lor!! MUHAAHAHA!! after when he gone hor , Manddyy look very very upset lor! dont dare to bully her liao! her face look so scary! ok maybe i regreted tat i tease her cuz hor at recess it was her turn alr lor *(she recover from her moodness very fast hor) She SAW HIM lor(sry the "him" cannot sae who) (oh ya now is sort of mine k) woa kiao! then she strt teasing me lor! my face go so damn red and hot lor! wah! then i fasting walk away as fast as i can to go back and eat my noodles! lucky save! then i so strange 2dae i normally eat faster than Manddyy but somehow2dae i eat so damn slow lor! i guess i was thinking abt smth very important tat Manddyy told me abt i think until i cant eat lor! even worse is tat suddenly she hor ask me smth then my whole appettite lost lor! ALL UR FAULT LOR MANDDYY! so Manddyy and me went to put the plate then wat i saw was so unbelieveable!!!!! I SAW HIM AGAIN!!! *(well of course lah i always try to follow him) *(plus he same recess as me so very easy to see lor) HE WAS AT THE STORE NEXT TO THE ONE I PUTTING MY PLATE AT LOR! i was so hoping tat Manddyy did not see him or she will like," ohhhh!!! yuanyi!!!" is like soo wad lor! and thank god she really did not see!!! but omg things gt worse cuz we were toking abt him lor when we walk past him! DIE LIAO!! MANDDYY! UR FAULT AGAIN!! i could just bang into the wall and die! but lucky hor tat we did not sae his name so he might not noe is him! I hope so T.T after recess was science *sigh* today jiawen nv cme i so lonely lor! then b'cuz no partner, i wanted to sit with Mang Teng and Fiona to do the wrksheet! but miss chin sae cannot i can onli sit behind them with Vincent! i dont even noe Vincent lor! but no choice lor! so sit next to him then hor things 2dae very funny lor there is a guy in tat 1e1 like me lor then like d whole boys in that klass noe lor! there was a sit in front and next to him lor then the boys at tat side kept saeing go over there to sit! Like i will like tat! i want to sit near to Mang Teng and Fiona not to d boys! Man! dont they understand?! next klass was maths! hurray! 2dae mdm kwok nv come so we get to do wrksheet with our frwenz! so i faster went over to Manddyy and Jasmine there to do lah we tok alot of things(private*shhh* cant sae) then not long ltr end liao hou it was history! Man! we forget to write our script for d history project damn! so i went over to Manddyy's hse to do lah then very funny lor when walking 2 her hse rite, John and Keith keep stepping at her shoe*(i think) so funny lor she was screaming lor! HAHAHA i think inside the CL room, they were having exam oh hohoo someone is in trouble i think Woa! Manddyy was writin' her blog when we were doing history lor she hor keep writing my name in her blog lor! so fan leh! so mean also! Woa! then i go home at 5 plus hor my dad scold me like hell lor! even beat me lor! does not believe tat i go do history project sae i go outin' with fwenz! i cry after tat lor but now im fine so need not to wry! well tats all for 2dae! Thanx for vistin' my blogg!! Adios!! love yuanYI |